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A Touching Tribute To The Power Of Music

WEB Vois sur ton Chemin from the Movie Les Choristes with Lyrics in French and English

A Touching Tribute to the Power of Music


Les Choristes - Vois sur ton chemin


Vois Sur Ton Chemin is a touching and powerful song composed by Bruno Coulais for the French film Les Choristes. The song is a moving testament to the power of music to transform lives and inspire hope, and its lyrics are both beautiful and meaningful.

The song is performed by the boys' choir of the Institut Saint-Marc, a boarding school for troubled boys. The choir is led by Clément Mathieu, a dedicated music teacher who believes in the power of music to reach even the most troubled of children.

The lyrics of the song are a reflection of Mathieu's belief in the power of music. The song begins with the words "Vois sur ton chemin," which means "See on your path." This line is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope.

The song goes on to describe the power of music to transform lives. The song says that music can "make you forget your sorrows" and "give you wings to fly." This is a powerful message of hope, and it is a message that has resonated with people all over the world.

The song has been translated into many languages, and it has been performed by many different artists. However, the original French version of the song is still the most popular and well-known.

If you are looking for a song that will inspire you and give you hope, then I highly recommend listening to Vois Sur Ton Chemin. It is a beautiful and powerful song that is sure to touch your heart.


Here are the lyrics to Vois Sur Ton Chemin, in both French and English:

French Lyrics

Vois sur ton chemin Tant de pierres Tant d'épines Tant de ronces Qui pourraient te faire trébucher

Mais ne crains rien Car la lumière Te guidera Et la nuit Disparaîtra

English Translation

See on your path So many stones So many thorns So many brambles That could make you stumble

But fear not For the light Will guide you And the night Will disappear
